Vishvabh Raman

understand and be aware of pertinent information

Tag: Selling Your House

Simplifying Property Taxes and Fees for Home Sellers in Seagoville

There is more to selling a home in Seagoville than simply finding someone that wants it and signing some paperwork.  A key detail that the owner of a house must apprehend are taxes and charges to be paid upon sale. Visit for more information on how to expedite your house selling process and avoid additional costs.

Understanding Property Taxes

One of the most significant costs for a homeowner selling their home is property taxes. In pretty much every place in the country, property taxes typically are prorated on a daily basis. This means that the seller will be responsible for a part of the tax year in which they had title to the property.

Filing Fees and Recording Tax

State or local governments may also impose transfer taxes as a percentage of the total value transferred in ownership from seller to buyer The fees you pay for recording are used to have public land records updated with the new ownership.

Title insurance, settlement fees

Title insurance is the buyer and lender being insured against any anticipated allegations regarding the ownership of a property. As a seller, you may be asked to invest in title insurance that will ensure the land being sold is free of legal claims. Closing/ settlement fees are the different kind of administrative costs which covers escrow expenses, attorney charges and notary charges. While these fees may differ, they are typically a majority of the total selling costs.

Capital Gains Tax

You may be charged capital gains tax if your home has greatly increased in value since you bought it. Yes, but it has opt outs. Speaking to a tax professional will help you learn your particular circumstances and taxes due

When selling a home in Seagoville, you must be aware and prepared for various property taxes & fees. Getting up to speed on costs like pro-rated property taxes, transfer taxes, recording fees plus title insurance and maybe even capital gains tax from a previous sale can help you streamline the process -and have an easier closing. For more details, visit

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